Our offer is continuously enriched with new topics thanks to a on-going monitoring of technological and organizational evolution, a careful attention towards our clients requirements, and our ability of anticipating their requests.

We always propose the best solution.

Training on demandis conducted on-site at the client facility  or in a certified location mutually agreed upon.

  • prepares a work group on specialized themes
  • makes up an expert Team to develop a new project
  • Produces or improves company group identity.

In general, each time a customized course is requested, we analyze your needs and plan all the best actions to enhance expertise necessary for your business.

Training catalogue

With more than 250 courses, we are willing to fulfill individual training requests. All courses follow 3 core lines:

  • Business Management
  • Information & Communication Technology
  • Certification paths

Catalogue is at the same time our expertise book describing the Reiss Romoli training offer, and a first step towards customization of new programmes based on tested and consolidated courses.

Please look at the catalogue and the calendar available on the following section Calendario del 1°semestre 2013

If you couldn’t find what you were interested in, if you  need more information about our didactic work   and course dates please contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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